We are serious about respecting the intellectual property rights of others, and thus it is our policy to review all notices of alleged copyright infringement that are submitted. To that end, we have established the following Notice and Takedown Policy in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Notice of Claimed Infringement

If you hold the copyright to material which appears on the website without your permission, please submit in writing the following information so that we are able to identify the material in question and take appropriate action:

- Identification of the copyrighted material that is alleged to be infringed, or a representative list of materials in the case where multiple materials are alleged to be infringed.

- Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing that includes information about its location sufficiently specific to enable us to locate it.

- Adequate contact information (name, address, phone number, and email address).

- A statement indicating your good faith belief that use of the disputed material has not been authorized by you as the copyright holder, by your agent, or by the law.

- A statement that you are the copyright owner of the work that is allegedly infringed or that you are an authorized agent of for the copyright owner and that all information laid out in your notice is accurate.

- Your physical or electronic signature as the copyright holder or that of your authorized representative.

Please be aware that any DMCA notification that does not contain all of the information detailed in the above list will be considered invalid and will not receive a response.

You may send your copyright infringement claim to us by way of our contact form.

Abuse Notification

Misuse of the procedures or misrepresentation of facts in a copyright infringement claim may result in legal consequences. To ensure that you are not held liable for costs associated with abuse of the process, please ensure the veracity of your claim.

Take Down Procedure

It is this website's firm policy to remove any material from the website that is an alleged infringement of copyright. The accounts of repeat infringers will be terminated. Access to any infringing materials will be disabled in the most expeditious manner possible in conformity with 17 U.S.C. ยง512 of the DMCA.

Modification of Policy

We may make modifications to this policy in the future. Users are asked to remain up to date on any revisions or additions to this policy by checking back regularly.